If you believe that you have found a counterfeit product, please inform us at info(at) or call the Finnish Customs’ telephone number 0800 1 4600.
What is a counterfeit?
- A product which makes unauthorised use of, or imitates, a trademark
- A product which without permission copies the appearance of a product where that appearance is protected by a design right
What is a pirated good?
- A product incorporating a copy of a work which is protected by copyright
How to identify a counterfeit product in a shop?
- inferior quality of a branded product
- suspiciously low price compared to the original product
- an unusual place of purchase for such products
- misspelled words on products or their packaging
- use common sense to recognize a counterfeit product
How to identify a counterfeit product in a web store?
- Price – If the price of a product in a web store is very low, compare the price to the corresponding price of the product in the manufacturer’s own web store. If the price difference is significant, the product may be counterfeit.
- Picture of a product – If you become suspicious of the authenticity of a product, it is recommended to compare the picture to the corresponding picture of the product in the manufacturer’s own web store. Is there a corresponding product in the manufacturer’s web store? Does the product look the same?
- Definitely a genuine product – If a product is being highlighted as “100% authentic”, “guaranteed original” etc. or if the authenticity of the product is being overwhelmingly underlined, the products are usually counterfeit.
- Experiences of others – If a website seems suspicious, it is recommended to review experiences of other people for example on the website.
- Encryption – Does a website utilize encrypted connection at the time of making a purchase? This can be ascertained if a picture of a lock is visible beside the website address and transfer protocol changes to https. If this were not to occur, the website is suspicious.
- Seller’s information – There is no information on the seller company or their street address. This is definitely a sign of a suspicious entity.
- Common sense – Usually the safest way to avoid purchasing counterfeits from online stores is common sense. If an offer seems too good to be true, it most probably is exactly that.
Why you should not buy counterfeits?
- some of the business in counterfeit goods is a part of international organised crime
- the quality of the product is often inferior and despite being cheaper than the original product, the price-quality ratio is often not good
- spare parts in cars, aircrafts, ships etc. may be of inferior quality and cause accidents
- medicines may not contain the active ingredient or may contain harmful ingredients
- the material used in the product may cause health problems, and e.g. clothes may cause allergic reactions
- parts of electronic equipment may cause short circuits or other damage
- makers of authorized products offer no guarantee for counterfeit goods
- approximately 100 000 jobs are lost every year in Europe as a result of reduction in sales and manufacturing of the original products
- selling counterfeits may be a punishable act, which can lead to liability for damages and forfeiting of the counterfeit products